I have taken some more time to let things sink in and form an opinion of the changes that happened today, and to be fair: I'm actually pretty disturbed.
At first, the changes seemed fine to me. Instead of paying 7.99 a month and 99 a year, I would pay 16.99 a month. This is more clear and easier to manage.
Then, I realized most other packages (free, joint, promo etc.) are affected too. The people having these packages would now have to pay the full premium price. Part of me thinks it's fair that everyone pays the same, but the time period these people have to adapt is simply unfair.
I started thinking: If I pay 16.99 a month, that means I pay more per month than I do on average now. If all other (free) packages have changed too... everyone is paying more?
... So bunq's change has directly negatively impacted the finances of all customers! This got me a bit annoyed ...
Lastly... as always... the communication. The communication from bunq's side has often been poor, but this time it was genuinely terrible. Changes were pushed, hours later these changes were communicated in a manner of 'you chose this, deal with it'.
I have been using bunq for a long time, don't see a reason to change this, but if the willingness to switch banks was a stamp card, mine is nearly full.
Please bunq. Set things straight for the free users and give them a better offer. Set things straight for the paying users and don't make them pay even more. And above all: COMMUNICATE BETTER.
Make me proud to be a bunqer again, instead of having to almost be embarrassed to explain to all the people I recommended bunq to that 'I also don't agree with some of these changes'.