• Ideas
  • Small overdrafts

Nous pouvons tous, nous retrouvez dans des situations délicates dans la vie.surtout actuellement avec la baisse de salaire.
Je propose au clients fidèle d'avoir droit 2 fois par ans un découvert autorisez de 150€ ça simplifierait la vie à plein monde

    Stephane, I agree with your idea.

      Hi 👋

      I don't think credits/loans/overdrafts exactly make life easier. These short term loans are usually extremely high risk for the bank and not very helpful to the user, in need to pay this back with high interests.

      Perhaps you have a specific way in mind to make this possible. Let us know in that case.

        Hi Tim, I think she meant for the 150€ twice a year to be a free gift to loyal bunq users. I don't see where she said it must be repaid.

          She mentioned 'overdraft', and of course a bank is no philanthropic institution.

            I know she meant overdraft. Look, I don't want to get into the mathematics of this, but I'm sure we could all agree that Bunq is not exactly cheap. I'm not saying their prices are bad, I'm just saying that it ain't exactly cheap. And in reality, if Bunq should decide to implement an overdraft facility of the €150 that she mentioned, I doubt it would bankrupt Bunq. And speaking of interest rates, why is it that everyone in Europe is so afraid of credit? And also, Bunq is not into the lending thing, fine. But it sure wouldn't ruin them if they did. My advice is the keep the original amount and eliminate interest. For example, If I owe you 5€ and didn't or couldn't pay you for whatever the reason. Why would you think it's "good business" to add hundreds of dollars if not more to the original €5 that I borrowed from you? Listen, many people could pay off their loans be it credit card, mortgage, student loans, etc., if the original borrowed amount was cap or is capped at a certain point and make a deal with the customer to pay the amounts owed in monthly instalments. You see, the problem is the lending institutions have a tendency of wanting to make trillions in interest and all sorts of late payment fees and APR rates. That's why people are so afraid of credit in Europe. Where I'm from(Jamaica), people aren't afraid of crediting. The US is the perfect example of people wanting to make trillions in interest from loans to customers.

              It's not about whether something would bankrupt bunq or not. The company is built on some principles, as for example not providing loans. Not because of fear of losing money, but because they think it is the more ethical thing to do. You might disagree with these principles, and that's fine. But it's also kind of unrealistic to present these ideas here then.

              For example I personally think that nuclear energy is something humankind should explore in the future, despite of the setbacks we had, and it needs funding to do so. I still wouldn't suggest bunq change their investment plan to include nuclear energy, because they clearly have a very different opinion on that topic and deliberately decided to not invest any money in companies that have to do with it.

              And Europe is not bunq, bunq is not Europe. There are many banks here that give out loans, overdraft credit (especially in Germany), and credit cards are also a thing. Not so much the secured credit cards, because the scoring works differently and they're really not needed for the most part. An 18-year old without a job could probably get a credit card (not any card, but there are some) as long as they aren't into debt. In comparison to the US, where having a lot of credit can be a very good thing when securing loans, it can be the other way around here, even if you haven't had problems with paying back any debts before. We're definitely not afraid of debt, it's just a different culture.

              If you want to find more about how bunq came into being and its principles, I'd recommend getting the book "Break Through Banking" https://www.uitgeverijkompas.nl/bunq-break-through-banking-book/ (also on Amazon). In any case, I think we're not gonna see bunq giving out loans to anybody anytime soon.

                If you actually read the lady's original post, you would have realised she was really asking for an overdraft of 150€ twice per year to loyal bunqers. I don't think she meant a loan per se. She probably meant a gift for loyal customers. In my suggestion to implement secured credit cards a few days ago, that idea would in no way violate bunqs's original principles. Why? Because in reality we would still be technically using our own funds. Last night you came up with even a way better solution. You suggested a way to set negative number balance which we could use as an overdraft. We would be providing the credit ourselves, so I don't see how this would be against the banks principles. As a matter of fact, bunq technically already implemented a secured credit card. The Travel Card and Green card. I came across some from Latvia. I think I mentioned this to you before. In Latvia, they use the same exact mechanism in their secured cards that bunq now implemented. Same thing. The card is tied to a bank account and the word "credit" is printed on the card along with card bin setup to credit mechanism. We are all bunqers and it's always good share ideas, be it good or not so good. 😉👀👍

                  In my suggestion to implement secured credit cards a few days ago, that idea would in no way violate bunqs's original principles.

                  What I wrote in this thread is mostly about this thread's topic. When it comes to your topic about secured credit cards, I voiced my opinion and suggestion there. And yes, a 100% secured credit card is not against bunq's principles as far as I interpret them.

                  she was really asking for an overdraft of 150€ twice per year to loyal bunqers. I don't think she meant a loan per se. She probably meant a gift for loyal customers

                  Gift or overdraft. It's one or the other. One is money you get and don't have to pay back, the other has to be paid back at some point. Both wouldn't be something I could ever see bunq do. (Well, except for their marketing raffles maybe. But I don't think the OP was asking for more contests to enter.)

                  We are all bunqers and it's always good share ideas, be it good or not so good.

                  100% agreed 😉 Sorry if I have sounded a bit like a negative nanny at some point. I do mean well and want to encourage everyone participating here. Cheers!

                    Well, actually I did learn a few things from you and no, you don't sound like a negative nanny. Culture difference? Maybe. However, I don't think you were negative. Too bad Coronavirus seems to be after all of us and so I'm home reading and writing bunq ideas. Lol 😂😂😂

                      Je vous répond a mon.message jai pas dit chaque mois dans moment critique j aurais sûrement pas utilité ca peut dépanné on.sais jamais tous le monde peut ce retrouve dans des conditions confuses..

                        Jai jamais parlé de cadeau de bunq jai dit dépanné on cas où il.ya qu'il comprennent ici

                          Mon avis ta rien vraiment compris à message de hier

                            How exactly would that work? If you didn't mean a loan or a gift, what do you mean by help if you can? Now I'm not sure your messages is clear at all. Sadly... 😞😞

                              Une aide quand ou on peut débloqué on cas de nécessité urgente bien sûr que on rembourse dans les 15 jours

                                Aucun cadeau ni prêt une aide

                                  you can never be sure that people will reimburse you, who should carry the risk for this? If bunq would need to carry this risk then they need to ensure to be able to compensate this with other income.. how do you envision this exactly?

                                    Déjà ce sera pas pour tous le monde les clients qui sont deja chez bunq depuis un moment mettent régulièrement leurs salaire ou épargne sur le compte

                                      Pour les clients fidèle et régulier