I'm using PayPal for different things, eg.
- buying stuff I want online,
- buying stuff I need online,
- donations
- my mobile internet contract (because it doesn't accept bunq IBANs but that's a different story -.- )
and all of these things should be paid from different accounts. The problem is that the detection seems to only take the receiver's name into account but not the "subject" (Verwendungszeck in German) of the payments.
So, when I bought something using PayPal and chose an account for the payment, all the following payments from PayPal are deducted from that account. That's why I've currently disabled auto-accept for PayPal and manually sort all the payments. But especially the recurring payments (like donations and mobile contract) would be easily distinguishable by their subject.
So what I wish for is for the sorting algorithm to take the subject of the payments into account when learning from which account to deduct the payment.