Imagine I'm booking flight tickets for myself and my girlfriend. I cover the cost for both of us, opting to pay upfront. After completing the purchase, I utilize the 'split payment' feature, sending a request for her share of the cost. Once she reimburses me, the transaction is complete.
However, one aspect of this process frustrates me. When I visit the budgeting section, it displays the entire amount I initially paid for the "travel" category. Ideally, it should only reflect half of this sum since I've split the cost and received a portion back, specifically tagged under "travel" as well.
To illustrate:
- I purchase two flight tickets for a total of 350 euros, categorized under "Travel."
- In the budgeting section, for April, it shows my total expenditure as 350 euros for "travel."
- I divide the 350 euros equally and send a payment request for her half.
- She reimburses me 175 euros, which is also allocated to the "travel" category.
- Despite this, the budgeting tab still indicates that I have spent the full 350 euros on "travel," failing to account for the received reimbursement.