En tant que membre Easy Green 🌳🌈 J’ aurais aimé avoir un service inclus qui serait une Conciergerie🛎️ 🛍️🤔 exemple, trouver un restaurant commandé des fleurs, commander une place de Théatre, etc.
Merci Bunq🌈 Raphaëlla
Raphaëlla Hi! Is this something that should come from your bank? Or something Google and Apple could build into Assistant and Siri?
Raphaëlla Hello Raphaëlla I don't know about which service exacly but I agree, price of easy green is quite expensive compared to others offers in same prices. Could have a visa infinite or a world elite for this price.
Thijs Oui de bunq serait bien.
Geoffrey The Easy Green plan is difficult to compare to other banks, because it's mainly focused on sustainability.