How great would it be when you can deduct specific earnings from selected expenses? Sometimes, someone pays me back and I want to deduct this from my expense. This way, I can see how much I actually spent on something.
You are going for drinks with your friends John and Ellie. You have to pay €70 and you offer to pay the bill for all three of you. Afterwards, you will split the bill and ask back your money from John and from Ellie. When Ellie sends back her money from €20 and John sends his money from €25 you open your Bunq app and tag these ‘incomes’ as reimbursements from the €70 you paid at the bar. This way, in insights it won’t look like you spent €70 on drinks, but only €25!
- In The Netherlands, we have Koopzegels. It looks like I spend a lot of money on my groceries, but in fact once in a while I receive €52. When being able to show that this was a reimbursement on my groceries, I will have a realistic show of my expenses at the grocery store.