I would like expand on the original idea with additional or alternative protections for the user to choose from. Topic starter wants time delay. Other options:
- Extra verification with Security Key (Non-mobile Passkey, Yubikey)
- Extra verification with location-based (by GPS and/or internet ip)
- Extra verification via email. (Soft)
- Trusted Party
Different combinations and fall-back configs can be made.
To think along with the TS situation.
A payment lock that can be unlocked by needing to be at 2 to 3 places sequentially to confirm the transfer.
- So geo-located multi-site approval. (If gps can be spoofed locally, the multi-sites could be augmented with location unique markers or authentication though that quickly comes down to an immobile passkey.)
All these technical options; the topic starter might be right that time itself might be the safest option.
The irony of going from slow bank transfers to instant and wanting more delay again truly shows then need for complex user use cases. The number of zones in the Venn Diagram keep increasing.
(Who was that stand-up comedian talking about the way how his checking and savings account was set up and that it took three days.)