Hi guys! Got the e-mail about changes to savings accounts about half an hour ago. I think I speak for a lot of Bunqers when I say that we totally 'get' why these changes are necesarry and how important it is to make changes and keep moving forward. At the same time, there are early day users like myself that keep getting the ground shifted beneath their feet and are getting seriously frustrated.
Many years ago, long before Bunq offered a budgetting feature, I created many savings accounts with saving goals for my recurring / budgetable expenses. I have one for my my groceries, my car, health costs, clothing etc etc. They are 10 accounts in total. Between those accounts I have one card that I dynamically shift with an iOS shortcut between accounts to do my payments.
This has worked great for me, but will stop working entirely in the new system. Not only will it stop working, I will be forced to create new accounts, get in touch with all the services doing direct debits on these accounts, cancel a whole bunch of monthly automatic payments. This is a lot of work. Worst of all, Bunq gave exactly 33 hours of notice for this change.
Again, I get it. The economy is changing and Bunq needs to change with it. I don't mind the changes, what I do mind is that no accomodation is given for us old loyals to move from one system to the next. There is a framework built by people around the finance tools you created. The changes are fine. What we mind is not being given the tools to move with the changes. Let us change sub-account types. Give us a way to close an account but keep the IBAN and permanently forward funds. Or even better: let us move IBANs between accounts. And give us more than 33 hours notice next time.
Thanks for your time.