I know this is restricted only to Germany, but hear me out, please… :-)
I never came across a single QR code on an invoice where I was able to use the QR scan functionality in bunq.
Here in Germany, if QR codes are used on invoices at all, it is the so-called „GiroCode“ every single time. Every. Single. Time.
So I thought: „Well, maybe bunq could add support for GiroCode to make my life easier?!“ And here I am, hoping this dream of a life without typing IBANs or reference numbers is over. ;-)
Ok ok, you could say: Just use the invoice scanner! Yeah right… Frist, I have to trust the data to Google (which I did, although I still don’t want to. But typing sucks man!!) and second, it didn’t work a single time without problems either. So if I spend 1-2min checking the scan for errors and correcting them or type in the data myself doesn’t really matter at this point.
So, bunqeneers, what say you? Would that be possible? Pretty please?! 🙏