It would be great to automatically sort payment requests to it‘s designated sub account. For example if I get a direct debit request from amazon I would like to automatically sort the request to another sub account that pays the bill in the end. Right now I always have to manually transfer money over from my subaccount to the main account where the payment happens.
If that‘s not possible for legal reasons, because the subaccounts iban is not part of the direct debit agreement with the merchant, then please add the function to automatically request money from another subaccount that is meant to pay it. In the end the main account pays the bill and request the money back from the subaccount. That way budgeting would be a lot easier for me.
Just as disclaimer: I know that I could‘ve setup the debit agreement with my subaccount directly but I don‘t want to. I only want 1 iban to be used for debit transactions instead of assigning every merchant it‘s own subaccount. If I change my budgeting setup later on, that would be a pain in the ass to go to every merchant and change the iban to the one of the new subaccounts paying it.
Let me know what you guys think.
Cheers Janik