For some time now, i've been really annoyed by bunq's reluctance to hold back on the 'social' functions. Bunq apparently wants to offer a loooooot of functions to device bills, see where friends have been etc etc. Functions that could be nice for personal use, but since i mostly use bunq for my business, i don't have any need for those functions. And with bunq update 18, it's even become worse. For instance: why would i (as a business) care about all the "bunq Deals" or "badges". And why won't bunq finally use 1 emailaddress for sending invoices - with ubl attachments.
Let me suggest that bunq builds and distributes a second app. Specifically designed for business. Maybe even with a separate set of charging plans. In this version of the app we won't find functions like personal offerings or badges.. And far less messages on the Community tab. And maybe bunq could make it possible to disable certain functions that i don't wish to see in my app, like "Auto VAT" that costs me an extra euro per month and a lot more euro's to keep my accountant busy administering all split payments.
I sincerely hope bunq finds this suggestion interesting. In all fairness: i will probably not switch to a different bank. Overall, bunq still has a lot of good features. But i do hope to see less non-business information in the business accounts part of the app.