Sometimes you pay for groceries, medicine and another category just in your normal supermarket because they are not only about the food.
As a budgetter I then split or request a portion of the bill towards another subaccounts to keep my budget valid.
Would be nice if Circle of Trust could also mean I trust my own requests and not make that a multi-step proces.
From day one working with bunq I always wondered why sending a request to yourself requires me to find the request ‘on the other’ side and accept it. Felt tedious.
Now you have created the Circle of Trust and yet again nobody stepped up and identified this alternative path?!?
I don’t understand how this can happen twice. Please educate me without being mean.
P.s. adding yourself to circle of trust seems a world beyond; an alternative simpler solution would be just adding an extra “send and accept request” button for those requests going to fellow subaccounts a.k.a yourself.
(Paying twice at self-scan could be perceived as stealing and sometimes you simply paid with the wrong subaccount by mistake .)