I would like to have an expert for all transactions for all accounts for a defined timeframe in order to do my own statistics. PDF is not required; excel or CSV is fine.
Expert = extract = download. Sorry for the typo caused by autocorrect...
You have never got an answer? I wanted to know it too...
Stichting Radio Seabreeze You would either need to go into each sub-account by itself and export the transactions (this can be in CSV or MT940 so you can merge them later yourself) or you could write a script that peruses the API that does the same for you and outputs them in a format of your choice.
Het is me gelukt, giga zoeken door alle menu's. Ben het alweer vergeten, maar goed voor 2020 is het klaar. Volgend jaar maar weer zien
I can't login on my account
I would also like this to make my accountant's life easier. An option to export all transactions from all sub-accounts within a time frame with the option to ignore transactions between sub-accounts (i.e. only transactions with external partners) since my accountant doesn't really care about how I organize money between my sub-accounts.
Yes, I would like to se this feature as well, it would make life a lot more easy. csv
Thank you very much.